- Netenrich
- Glossary
Open ports
In computer networking, a port is a communication endpoint that allows your systems to communicate over the internet. Every IP address has two types – TCP and UDP ports. Any internet service requires a certain number of ports to be open to function. However, unattended, open ports invite a plethora of attacks and exploitations that you simply can’t afford. ... More
Operational visibility
360-degree operational visibility refers to monitoring of your system's operations, readiness, availability, and performance. It allows you to identify fluctuations in metrics and act on anomalies quickly. Many businesses continue to act with little operational visibility. Additional tooling and infrastructure for metrics and logs don't always have clear benefits. They are not always first-to-know and find out about problems from... More
OWASP or the “Open Web Application Security Project” is an online community that’s focused on understanding web technologies and exploitations. They produce freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of web application security. The OWASP Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the US established in 2004, supports the OWASP infrastructure and projects.... More
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