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What is mean time to detect (MTTD)?

Mean time to detect (MTTD), which is the average time it takes for a system or organization to detect a cyber incident or anomaly, is an important indicator of how quickly and effectively that organization will be able to respond to, contain, and mitigate issues or breaches.

Early detection gives security teams a better chance of reducing exposure time and minimizing business disruption or any other manner of damage a cyber incident can cause — for example, date theft, data encryption, lost customer trust, or missed business opportunities. Slow detection gives bad actors more time to exploit vulnerabilities and move laterally within networks and systems.

By tracking MTTD over time, organizations can also start to refine and optimize their response strategies and procedures and demonstrate to customers, partners, and regulatory bodies their commitment to protecting assets and sensitive data.


In Netenrich

Netenrich's Adaptive MDR™, powered by Chronicle SecOps, offers 24/7 continuous monitoring of an organization’s digital infrastructure to help ensure prompt threat detection and response. By leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, real-time threat intelligence, Netenrich MDR enhances event and alert analysis and maximizes the efficiency of threat detection capabilities, which not only help organizations reduce MTTD, but also help them improve their overall cybersecurity posture to better prevent incidents from becoming business-impacting breaches.

Moreover, Netenrich MDR can help organizations meet the stringent compliance requirements (and avoid potential penalties) of various regulatory standards, including GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, all of which mandate timely incident detection and response.

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