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Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Security Operations 2024


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  • Introducing Signal Analytics: Unifying Security Processes for Deeper Insights and Enhanced Adaptive MDR

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Introducing Signal Analytics: Unifying Security Processes for Deeper Insights and Enhanced Adaptive MDR

Introducing Signal Analytics for Deeper Insights and Enhanced Adaptive MDR


Security is a delicate balance of trust and vigilance. To truly automate and innovate, analytics must be more than just powerful. They need to be relevant and accurate. This is especially crucial in the realm of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services, where real-time insights can make all the difference in protecting an organization.

At Netenrich, we're committed to delivering superior security outcomes through our Adaptive MDR™ service. Our latest innovation, Signal Analytics, is set to revolutionize how organizations approach cybersecurity, providing unprecedented insights and efficiencies.

The security landscape has undergone a seismic shift. In the past, security analytics was limited to metrics such as mean time to respond, compliance checks, behavioral analysis, and rudimentary triaging. Today, as cyber threats grow in sophistication, risk analytics has taken center stage — and for good reason.

The future: Connecting operational silos for unprecedented insight

While Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems solved data silos by centralizing and correlating security data from multiple sources, they didn't completely bridge operational gaps. A crucial insight from observing mature security operations is the need to connect processes across the entire security landscape. This integration is essential for achieving a holistic view and gaining deeper, more actionable insights into security threats.

Our Adaptive MDR service, powered by Signal Analytics, addresses this need by providing a comprehensive approach to threat detection and response by integrating data across its lineage.

Signal Analytics: Addressing complex security challenges

This exciting new analytics module within our Netenrich Resolution Intelligence Cloud™ platform is poised to transform security operations. Built from the ground up in one unified module, Signal Analytics addresses complex, intertwined challenges, such as:

  1. Data engineering: Are your parsers capturing the right information?
  2. Detection engineering: If the parsers are doing their job well, are your rules effective? Is a rule generating numerous signals? Is it because of a user, a host, or something else?
  3. Investigation and response engineering: What hidden patterns lie within your detection signals over time? Are emails with the same subject line sent from various senders to multiple recipients over a period of time? Did any recipient open the email?

By integrating Signal Analytics into our Adaptive MDR service, we enable organizations to:

  • Enhance threat detection efficacy by identifying data quality and completeness issues in the pipeline.
  • Improve situational awareness by understanding detection gaps and low efficacy areas.
  • Accelerate threat response with precise, actionable insights from Signal Analytics.
  • Continuously improve security posture with easier hypothesis validation and rejection.

The innovative approach to organizing and visualizing data lets you achieve analytics outcomes in one to two simple steps that would otherwise involve multiple interactions across various application screens.Impace of signal analytics, a feature of Netnenrich Resolution Intelligence Cloud

Key innovation: contextual analysis

At the heart of Signal Analytics lies an incredible feature: contextual analysis. This powerhouse capability allows you to:

  • Juxtapose various dimensions of your security data.
  • Analyze from specific viewpoints — for example, per user or per host.
  • Uncover hidden patterns and connections.

This advanced visualization provides an immediate and clear view of your evolving security profile, spotlighting trends and anomalies.Features of Signal AnalyticsReal-World Impact: Connecting the Dots

As seen in the image, on June 28, numerous signals related to persistence tactics emerged. By contextualizing these signals with other signals from the same user, a pattern surfaces: a defense evasion incident a few days earlier preceded by a series of anomalies linked to IAM changes in the cloud. This sequential discovery prompts deeper analysis.

Now, imagine applying this viewpoint analysis to any entity, signal attribute, or combination thereof. This visualization revolutionizes threat response, offering a groundbreaking method to validate or challenge hypotheses and empowering security teams to make data-driven decisions with greater accuracy and confidence.

For organizations leveraging our Adaptive MDR service, this means:

  1. Faster threat detection and response times.
  2. More accurate risk assessments.
  3. Improved resource allocation for security teams.
  4. Enhanced overall security posture.

Pushing the boundaries further, Netenrich is working towards AI-assisted correlation and contextualization of signals. This innovation will dramatically reduce manual efforts, freeing up valuable time for strategic planning and analysis, while also empowering a wider audience with advanced threat detection capabilities.

Embracing the future of cybersecurity

Signal Analytics represents a significant leap forward in how we approach cybersecurity operations. By bridging operational silos and fully leveraging advanced analytics, it has the potential to revolutionize how security teams work, ushering in an era of unprecedented insight and efficiency.

With Signal Analytics, organizations will be better equipped to stay ahead of evolving threats, minimize security risks, and optimize their security investments.

Are you ready to experience the future of cybersecurity firsthand? Netenrich is currently in a closed beta with select customers. If you're interested in experiencing this cutting-edge solution and seeing how it can enhance your security operations, please reach out to us through our webpage.

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